Careers Through Faith

Integrating Your Career, Faith and Life

Job Coaching and Career Discernment from a Christian Perspective


Excerpts from The Choices We Make & Crossing the Goal with Nick Synko

To Crossing the Goal Program Director: I want to share with you the tremendous impact a Crossing the Goal episode has had on my life. It was an interview with Nick Synko. I was instantly connected. Since that time I have learned more from Nick through webinars and phone conversations than I have at any other time in my career. He is a tremendous blessing to me and I wanted you to know that I found a pearl of great price in Nick’s wisdom. Thank you for airing that interview. It is my belief that others will find the same value and grace as I did through Nick’s simple yet profound and powerful message. Please re-air this important, life changing program! – Amber G.

Excerpt from Celebrate Michigan With Nick Synko

Crossing Your Career Goal

Life on the Rock – Fr. Mark and Doug with Nick Synko and Doug Ebaugh

The Job Dog


So Your Child Wants to Be a Poet – Last week, the concerned parents of an aspiring poet wrote to Nick Synko, a career coach in Michigan and a columnist at They asked how they might help their twelve-year-old daughter “pick a career path more likely to help her earn a decent living.”

Jobless and hopeless? Here’s some advice … – NBC News – Nick Synko, a career transition coach and founder of Ann Arbor, Mich., based Synko Associates, has some advice for those trying to dig out of a hopeless career hole.

Work Life | Faith Magazine – Nick Synko answers questions from readers about the Work Life, including “How Can I Make Myself Fire-Proof?” and “I got laid off – now what?


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